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Physikalisches Kolloquium

Donnerstag, 12.12.2024, 16:30 Uhr – Hörsaal 5J
Plasma wakefield: from accelerators to black holes
Prof. Dr. Pisin Chen
Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics
National Taiwan University

We provide an overview of the Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (PWFA) driven by relativistic charged particle beams. Together with the Laser Wakefield Accelerator (LWFA), these two schemes are complementary and have become the two major plasma-based accelerator concepts actively pursued worldwide, evidenced by the recent whitepapers published by major international consortiums that chart the R&D roadmap in the next 20 years toward a full-scale plasma-based high energy collider. Several fundamental aspects in beam dynamics of plasma wakefield accelerators will be reviewed, which include the issues of beam loading, phase slippage, transformer ratio, and the universal beam self-induced plasma focusing that is charge-blind. 

Considering the pros and cons between LWFA and PWFA, a Hybrid LWFA+PWFA concept was introduced with the attempt to take advantage of each scheme, which may become the future direction. In addition to the application to high energy physics, plasma wakefield principle has also been applied to address the challenging issues in other frontier fields of physics, such as astrophysics, cosmology, and gravity. In particular, it was proposed that plasma wakefields are responsible for the production of the observed ultra-high energy cosmic rays beyond 1020 eV. Another exciting application is to create laser-induced flying plasma mirrors as analog black holes in the laboratory to investigate the celebrated Hawking radiation and its associated black hole information loss paradox.

Ab 16:00 Uhr Kaffee, Tee und Gebäck im Foyer vor dem Dekanat der Math.-Nat.-Fakultät (Gebäude 25.31. Ebene 00) für die Dozenten der Physik Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hidding

Bio of Professor Pisin Chen:

Professor Pisin Chen is the Chee-Chun Leung Distinguished Chair Professor of Cosmology at National Taiwan University. He received his BS degree from NTU and PhD in theoretical particle physics from UCLA under Prof. J. J. Sakurai. He was a postdoc of Prof. John Dawson in 1984-1986. He then worked at SLAC National Accelerator Center from 1986 to 2007. In 2000, he initiated and successfully raised private endowment to establish the Chen Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (later renamed the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology) at Stanford University. He joined the faculty of his alma mater NTU in 2007, and again successfully raised private endowment to found the Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics (LeCosPA) and served as its director since 2007 until the end of 2023. He is the LeCosPA Founding Director Emeritus since 2024. Professor Pisin Chen is internationally recognized as the inventor of the particle-beam-driven plasma wake-field accelerator (PWFA) concept in 1985. He is the Laureate of the 2018 Blaise Pascal Chair bestowed by Government of lle de France, the 2023 EPS-DPP Hannes Alfven Prize, and the 2024 AAPPS-DPP Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Prize.