Our research group studies electronic properties of semiconducting and metallic nanostructures, with focus on electronic transport at low temperatures as well as applications in medical physics.
Our goals are tests of fundamental symmetries and theories, the determination of fundamental constants, and the search for dark matter. To do this, we carry out precision measurements with atoms, molecules, optical resonators and lasers.
Our group works on the theory of topologically nontrivial quantum materials, e.g., on topological superconductors, spin liquids, twisted graphene bilayers, and on Weyl semimetals.
Our research focuses on fundamental topics in quantum information processing, in particular on entanglement and non-locality, quantum communication, quantum repeater, quantum error correction, quantum networks, and analyses of experimental implementations.
Our research focusses on the creation and investigation of laser-cooled atoms and molecules. Particularly, we are interested in long-range interactions in dipolar quantum gases.