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In the advanced internship for physicists and medical physicists, advanced knowledge in scientifically sound experimentation is to be imparted. To this end, the participants conduct centralized and decentralized experiments in parallel with lectures or during the lecture-free period. Information on the formalities can be found in the following sections. Medical physics students must also complete a separate part of medical physics in the F-internship.

Participation requirements

  • 3 module examination in experimental physics passed
  • Successful basic internship (part 1 + 2)

Registration F-Internship

You can register for the advanced internship by email in the office of Prof. Görlitz (Ms. Rödding, Secretariat.Exphysik@hhu.de). The following information is required for registration: first and last name, matriculation number, course of study, semester, telephone number and email address. Internship cards are no longer issued.

Physics students have to carry out 5 experiments in the central part of the internship and 2 experiments in the working groups (decentralized). The decentralized experiments also include experiments in the theoretical physics working groups, which are mostly computer science experiments. In addition, participation in the advanced internship seminar is mandatory for one semester.

Medical physics students carry out 3 experiments in the central part of the internship and 1 experiment in one of the working groups (decentralized) as part of the physics part of the internship for advanced students. In addition, medical physics students must complete the medical physics part of the advanced internship. The part FP Physics and FP Medical Physics each have a scope of 4.5 CP. The overall grade for the FP results from the mean value of the two partial grades and is included in the overall Bachelor grade with a weight of 9 CP. The head of the FP physics part is the responsibility of the head of the advanced internship for physics students, who communicates the partial results to the head of the FP medical physics part, who determines the overall grade.

Every physics student has to work on 5 central experiments as part of the F-internship. A brief evaluation must be submitted for each central experiment no later than one week after the end of the experiment. The contact person for the central tests is Dr. Dirk Hemmers.

Every medical physics student has to work on 3 central experiments.

Students who carry out the internship for advanced students according to the "old" regulations (beginning by June 30, 2014 at the latest) can choose central experiments, but must then submit detailed elaborations.

Central experiments currently offered:

  • Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (Hemmers)
  • Brownian molecular motion (Hemmers)
  • Grating Spectrograph (Hemmers)
  • AFM (Hemmers)
  • Differential pumping (Görlitz)
  • CO2 spectroscopy (Castor)
  • Inverted Pendulum (Sillus)

Dr. Dirk Hemmers

HHU Düsseldorf, Geb.
Fon: +49-211-81-12869  

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M. Sc. Christian Sillus

HHU Düsseldorf, Geb.
Fon: +49 211 81 12278

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B. Sc. Céline Castor

HHU Düsseldorf, Geb.
Fon: +49-211-81-14525

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Prof. Dr. Axel Görlitz

HHU Düsseldorf, Geb.
Fon: +49-211-81-15190

[E-Mail senden]

Every physics student has to work on two decentralized experiments as part of the F internship in order to be able to complete the FP module. Please contact the specified supervisor in the respective working group. Experiments that are offered in institutes for theoretical physics are usually computer science experiments.

The experiments can be carried out in any physics working group (theory and experiment), whereby a student can only carry out one experiment in a working group. A detailed elaboration must be submitted for each decentralized experiment.

Every medical physics student has to work on a decentralized experiment.

Institut für Laser- und Plasmaphysik:

Institut für Physik der kondensierten Materie (AG Egelhaaf):

Institut für Physik der kondensierten Materie (AG Schierbaum):

Institut für Physik der kondensierten Materie (AG Heinzel):

Institut für Theoretische Physik:

Institut für Experimentalphysik:

Institut für Angewandte Physik:

When is it possible to do the advanced internship?
The prerequisite for participation is a passed basic internship 1 and basic internship 2 as well as three module examinations for experimental physics modules. The F internship is planned for the third year of the Bachelor's degree.

How do I register for the advanced internship?
Internship cards can be picked up from Ms. Rödding, office These are filled out and presented to the head of the advanced internship. After he has checked the prerequisites for participation, those wishing to participate will be informed that the internship card can be picked up. From this point in time, you have valid registration for the advanced internship. The participation card must be brought with you on every test day!

How many internship attempts are mandatory?
Physics students have to complete a total of seven internship experiments, five central and two decentralized experiments. The two decentralized experiments must not be carried out in the same working group. In addition, an advanced internship seminar is usually offered every semester, which must be successfully completed once. Further information about the advanced internship seminar can be found in the LSF.

Medical physics students must complete three central and one decentralized tests. It is also necessary to complete the medical-physics part of the advanced internship.

How many credit points are awarded?
There are 10 credit points for physics students, while medical physics students receive 9 credit points.

How is the final module grade composed?
Physics students receive 10 points for each central experiment, the decentralized experiments and the seminar lecture receive 20 points. The scoring of the central and decentralized experiments consists of the assessment, the experimental work and the evaluation. The distribution of points in the seminar will be discussed at the beginning of the seminar. This results in a total of 110 points, which can be converted into grades as follows:

Obere Grenze Untere Grenze Zugeordnete Modulabschlussnote
110 104,5 1,0
104 99 1,3
98,5 93,5 1,7
93 88 2,0
87,5 82,5 2,3
82 77 2,7
76,5 71,5 3,0
71 66 3,3
65,5 60,5 3,7
60 55 4,0

You carry out the following five experiments with a scope of 0.9 CP each:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics
  • X-ray computed tomography (RCT)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -I
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -II
  • Dosimetry

For each attempt, a maximum of 20 points are awarded depending on performance, which are divided as follows:

Vorbereitung (Antestat) 6 Punkte
Versuchsdurchführung / Laborbuch 6 Punkte
Versuchsbericht (Abtestat) 8 Punkte

For each part of the experiment to be successful, at least half of the maximum achievable points must be acquired. If this minimum number of points is not achieved, the test section can be repeated. A maximum of the minimum number of points can be earned for a repeated test section. The description of the experiment can be edited once. If the post-processing is also not rated with the minimum number of points, the attempt is considered unsuccessful and must be repeated in full.

In particular:

Zulassung Versuchsdurchführung min. 3 Punkte (Antestat)
Wiederholung Versuchsdurchführung < 3 Punkte
Nacharbeitung Versuchsbericht < 4 Punkte


Punkte für alle 5 Versuche Note











74-70 2.7
69-65 3.0
64-60 3.3
59-55 3.7
54-50 4.0

< 50 Punkte gilt als nicht bestanden.